Our Strategic Plan clearly identifies the importance of, and our commitment to, developing the Literacy skills of all our students. The English curriculum specifically identifies required skills in the areas of reading and viewing, writing, and speaking and listening. The learning/ teaching in these areas are interrelated and do not occur in isolation.
Our daily literacy block runs for 2 hours each Monday – Friday and we integrate Literacy and Numeracy into our Hands on Learning sessions on Friday.
We always endeavour to provide our students with authentic, rich and purposeful learning opportunities within Literacy, so they develop strong real-life connections and applications of their learning.
The essential components of the Literacy Program are:
- A daily 2 hour literacy session
- Small group explicit teaching at point of need
- Strong partnership between school and home. Parents are encouraged to assist with the literacy program in each classroom and assist children to complete take home tasks.
- Home Reading as an essential part of our school’s reading program.