Dederang Primary School

Where each child is challenged to be curious, creative and caring

Ph: 02 6028 9331

DPS Care Community Involvement

At Dederang Primary School Care, we value the partnership between home, care and our local community and encourage families and community members to be involved in the Service. This can range from evaluating and adding input to your child’s program and observations, volunteering within the Service, and sharing skills and experiences that the children and program will benefit from.

You can help by:

  • Being a DPS Care representative on School Council
  • Taking part in working bees and fundraising activities.
  • Offering yourself as a volunteer at the school/ service as a
    • classroom helper
    • excursions assistant
  • Assisting at Special Events such as the Family Fun Nights
  • Offering yourself as an “outside expert” to teach particular skills which would be of value to the children at the school/service, to talk about your job or experiences.